Sunday, January 10, 2010

Snow Run

I went for a little jog today.

I have to be careful because late last year my IT Band really started bothering me. Anyway I barely took a step that wasn’t sinking in snow. That made me tired quite a bit faster than normal.

Before I moved here I started running while I lived in Houston.

Flat terrain.

Blistering heat.

But I loved it.

When I got here I found that there aren’t many level roads and paths near my house. Everywhere you go you run up or down. The temperatures began to drop. It was heck on my knee. I went from running 6 or 8 miles a day to maybe getting out once a week, to nothing at all.


I started some new stretching and I’m feeling better in the knee area but my endurance is back to naught.

Here’s to getting it all back this year.
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