Monday, May 10, 2010

The Kingdom of God

I heard yesterday, that no matter what system of Government you live under, whether Democracy, Republic, Parliament, Monarchy, Dictatorship, etc. the Government is only as good as the individual(s) who holds office. America, for instance, has arguably the freest and most noble system. The reality is that the leaders are rarely not more than depraved sinners, even who's good deeds are motivated by selfishness.

It is commendable to be active in your country's Government. Run for office. Vote your conscience. Be aware of the issues. Humbly fight for the rights of both the rich and the poor. The slave and the free.

But do not confuse your earthly citizenship with your spiritual citizenship.

A Christian lives in a Monarchy. Our King is Christ, and He is truly the best ruler to serve. Christ is at once, a royal leader, and a humble servant. Making the wisest judgments, and kneeling to wash the dirtiest feet.

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I have been out of The United States for 8 months. In principle, I believe that British Columbia "suffers" from a completely socialized insurance program. It's not just Medical, it's Auto as well. The system of Government is Parliamentary. There are leaders here who are appointed and elected. Legislation is totally skewed in favor of the more populated areas of the country.

 But the nitty-gritty of it, is that I'm having a great time. These people do not feel oppressed and neither do I. We drive on paved and organized roads. We enjoy (in BC) at least a functional health care system. My wife is pregnant and I'm glad the health care is serving us so well.

But here's something I really love about Canada.

Canada is generally non-interventionist in the world (Esp. compared to the US).  Reportedly, in 2011 Canada will pull all their troops from Afghanistan. Also they officially didn't support the Iraq war. Yes there were some personnel there, but it was some of the lowest troop numbers of any country in Iraq. And guess what? Canadians do not live in horror of impending terrorist attack.
 So despite the differences in the system of government, Canada is much closer to to the correct way as far as Foreign Policy is concerned.

Now excuse me while I stroll down a road lined with flowers, to a huge lake nestled in a valley, surrounded by mountains. Where it hardly rains and we enjoy four complete and perfect seasons.

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1 comment:

  1. This is exactly why I've thought about Canada before. Yet another well written blog.
